A400/A700 Smart Sensor

Looking for a different model or camera specifications? Contact us at info@clearpathrobotics.com. We offer the complete line of FLIR machine vision sensors, including lenses and accessories, and can help you choose the perfect camera for your project.
The FLIR A400/A700 Thermal Smart Sensor Camera has the features automation solution providers need for complex monitoring applications, including elevated skin temperature screening when used as an adjunct to other body temperature screening tools, critical infrastructure, product quality, and early fire detection. The Smart Sensor configuration includes multiple measurement tools and alarms while also providing computing-on-the-edge, with analytics performed at the camera level for immediate results. With a range of lens choices, motorized focus control, and unrivaled connectivity, A400/A700 cameras offer unmatched power and flexibility. Easy configuration allows you to tailor this monitoring system to your company’s quality, productivity, maintenance, and safety needs.
Flexible Measurement Features for a Wide Range of Applications
Includes options to adjust measurements and alarms based on a reference temperature source (advanced)
Advanced Analytics for Improved Decisions Support
Edge analytics with features such as a polygon function (advanced) help you make immediate, informed decisions
World-Class Thermal Imaging
- Provides exceptional image quality with up to 640 × 480 (307,200 pixels) and superior measurement accuracy (<±2°C)
Thermal Smart Sensor Camera Data Sheet
Thermal Image Streaming Camera Data Sheet